Um programa de André Mascarenhas a.k.a. NoWay DJ

quinta-feira, julho 10, 2014

Sub-Zero Junho: 14 @ Rádio Zero | 15 @ RUA FM

L'Orange - Need you (instrumental) (The orchid days)
Zara McFarlane - Move (Atjazz remix) (Move)
Swollen Members - Blood sport (Brand new day)
Fono - Rise and shine (Fono one)
Tom Vek - Ton of bricks (Luck)
Tom Vek - Pushing your luck (Luck)
Lone - Restless city (Reality testing)
Lone - Jaded (Reality testing)
Julian & der Fux - Unglaublich (MOTSA remix)
Moullinex - Time and tide (Love magnetic)
Little People - Aldgate patterns (Marley Carroll remix) (We are but hunks of wood remixes)
Mi - For givers (Doubting Thomas Harp remix) (Westerns)

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