Um programa de André Mascarenhas a.k.a. NoWay DJ

quinta-feira, agosto 14, 2014

Sub-Zero Agosto: 2 @ Rádio Zero | 3 @ RUA FM

Lowell - The bells (dd elle remix) (The bells)
Demons of Ruby Mae - Beneath the surface (Beneath the surface)
Greg gives Peter space - The feeling shaker (Greg gives Peter space)
Ryan Hemsworth - Gods (with UV boi فوق بنفسجي)
Electric Wire Hustle - Look in the sky (By & Bye)
Darondo - Didn't I (Guts remix) (Didn't I EP)
Beat Connection - Hesitation (Jerome LOL remix)
Seekae - Test & Recognise (Flume re-work) (Test & recognize)
Myron & E - Do it do it disco (J Rocc re-edit) (Do it do it disco)
Amp Live - No. 2 in b minor op.3-muziki (Headphone concerto)
The Stepkids - Bitter bug (Troubadour)
Todd Terje - Alfonso Muskedunder (It's album time)
Quantic - Muvelo negro feat. Nidia Gongora (Werkha remix) (La plata feat. Nidia Gongora)

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